Thursday, November 30, 2017

I am working with Dominique Reese and her Veterans Small Business Boot Camp. Our first assignment was to complete this 1-Page Business Template.
1-Page Business Template
Use this template to get your business idea out of your head and onto paper! Focus
on writing what comes to your mind for each section. Once you are done, you can focus on each section and flush out each section with more details.
WHAT is your business idea? I want to be a blogger.
WHO will your business serve? Freedom loving poor people everywhere. They are poor, but frugal. They feel trapped in a system that isn’t meeting their needs. They see the need to take a risk, to make some changes. But they are also afraid. They are willing to work, but they need a structure to work under. And someone to show them the way.
WHEN is your customer/client most likely to buy your product/service? I
would assume they would buy when they have money. When they are given the choice to change their life or are forced to change their life. I guess I just need to collect information about them… collect all the information possible.
WHERE will you operate your business? Online, on the Internet, everywhere and nowhere. The freest countries and the poorest countries. The ones that are going through changes. Countries with a large independence movement. Those showing the most positive changes toward freedom and fastest growing economies.
WHY does it matter that you move forward with this business idea? I want to travel. I need something, a project to keep me busy, to keep me occupied. If I don’t have something to keep me occupied. I may get depressed, start drinking, doing drugs or chasing women. This is a problem that is close to my heart. The amount of violence and coercion in the world. When I think about leaving a contribution to this world, this is a contribution I would like to make.
HOW will you market and generate sales for your business?
I need to turn on the history in my web browsers. To keep track of everything that I search for. Then Blog about everything: go through everything I have ever written to see if it can be turned into a blog post. Go through my search histories to blog about all of those things also. My youtube history… etc. Just put it all out there and see what the response is. Then just try to write more of what is popular… what get’s the most hits, what gets the most comments. Then once I find an audience to
write for… look for products which that audience will buy.  Then try to create new similar products that will meet my audience’s needs better. I want to blog about Intentional communities, Social Choice, Public Choice, Conciliation, Facilitation, Mediation, Arbitration, online collaboration, dwelling port-ably, homesteading, seasteading, and alternative lifestyles, as well as all the issues I cover in my book. I also need to comment on blogs similar to my own and leave comments with a link to my blog post.

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