Thursday, November 23, 2017

Fatima Diaz works for Abco Technology, 11222 S La Cienega Blvd #588, Inglewood, CA 90304. She is the Director of Admissions. You can reach her at (310)-216-4311. They have a program called Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW).
I got this information from an email I was sent October 17, 2017. The program costs $5455. The entrance requirements are that you have a High School Diploma and pass an assessment interview with a school counselor.
The CIW program has a prerequisite “Intro to PC.” CIW students attend class 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, 8am-2pm, for 10 weeks. It starts 12/4/2017 and ends 3/30/18. This is a total of 10 weeks training, and 239 hours of instruction.
Students receive Certified Internet Webmaster certification upon completion of the training. Training cost includes tuition, registration, books and exams. No other materials or supplies are required for the training.

Students can apply for financial aid by visiting the Abco Technology office and applying online at There is an instructor to student ratio of 8 to1. Each instructor has the certification and at least 3 years experience in the field.

The training program does not include an externship or internship. The school does have a full time Job Developer and offers job placement assistance., Raytheon, AT&T, Boeing, Tesla, Google, and Broad PC have all recently hired graduates from this training program. This training program is I-Train compliant. 

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