Thursday, January 11, 2018

Digital nomad books
Googled "best digital nomad" books
came up with 10 lists
combined the lists
6   Vagabonding by Rolf Potts
5  The Art of Non-Conformity" by Chris Guilleabeu
5  The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
3 Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
3 Josh Kaufman's The Personal MBA
3 'Delivering Happiness' by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh
3 Remote by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
3 Travel While You Work: The Ultimate Guide to Running a Business from Anywhere by Mish Slade
2 Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Crush It

Been reading Gary Vannerchuk's "Why now is the time to Crush It! Cash in on your passion." I bought Gary has more passion and "hustle" than I do. I remember an interview with Jerry Seinfeld where he said he really started to get successful when he began devoting forty hours a week to being a comedian.
I am thinking of experimenting with a forty-hour week, 9-5 Monday-Friday, just to see what happens.; Also blogging during my sleepless nights.
Here is the plan I got from his book:
1. Go to and try to buy your name. Buy both .com and .tv if possible. Every time you hear about a new platform that looks like it's going to go mainstream, you'll have to register your user name. (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
2. Start a WordPress or Tumbler account. This is the blog site that is going to host the domain you just bought.
3. Hire a web designer. This will cost some cash (1-5k) Don't put off launching your site just because you can't afford a designer. Start for free and customize later once you can afford it.  If you use WordPress, there are tons of free WordPress "themes" or site designs to choose from. The WordPress
themes are very good.
4. If your filming a video blog, buy the $150 Flip Cam- (Or, just use what you have, or order something from Walmart and try it out, start cheap and work your way up. My opinion... you are trying to capture your performance and enthusiasm. Professionalism will come with time. Listen to some early Rock and Roll, or Blues records you'll get the idea.) 
5. Create a Facebook fan page.
6. Open a Twitter account with your domain name.
7. If you're doing video, open a TubeMogul account. If

you're doing a written blog, sign up for
8. Start Pumping out Content. Find a way to incorporate some personal stories and details into your posts. Use anecdotes from your own life to illustrate concepts. Let your personality shine so that eventually people are coming to hear you just because it's you. (go through search histories and old documents to look for topics to blog about.) 
9. Tweet or post your content via or TubeMogul to distribute it to all your chosen platforms.
10. Go to Search.Twitter and start searching anything that may be relevant to your blog topic. Start following many of these, keeping in mind that Twitter does not allow you to follow more than 10
percent of the people who are following you, or better yet, @reply them publicly.
11. Go to (or go to Google, click on "More," and choose "Blogs" from the pull-down menu.) Search all the obvious keywords. For every blog you find a mention, leave a comment and your name which should be linked to your homepage.
12. Search terms on Facebook. Click on the tab for "All Results," then click on "Pages." There are hundreds of fan pages, some have nine members, some with thousands. Join as many active ones

as possible, but make sure to keep track of them all. When you're done, hit the tab for "Groups" and do the same thing. Although I don't recommend creating your own group there's no reason you shouldn't get your name on any preexisting ones that are relevant to your passion.
13. Rinse and repeat.
Don't forget to include a list of all your social network links on your e-mail signature, letterhead, and business cards.
Make sure you have a big fat button on your site that says, "Want to Do Business with Me?" Or something along those lines.
Other call-to action buttons include:
Subscribe- allows people to opt in to getting an e-mail every time you post a blog.
Follow Me- keeps viewers appraised of your tweets and status updates.
Join My Fan Page- announces to the viewers newsfeed that they think enough of you to be a fan and helps put your site on other people's radar
Share- makes it easy for viewers to post your link on Facebook, Myspace, etc.
Twitter This
Email This